History was made in Manila Philippines this week by the Pacific Ministers of Health and
supporters when the first Pacific person was elected Regional Director of the Western
Pacific Regional Office of the World Health Organization. The Hon Saiamau Piukala of
Tonga, who was a surgeon and a Minister of Health for the last nine years was elected
ahead of four candidates from the Philippines, China, Vietnam and the Solomon Islands.
Hon Dr Piukala was nominated by the government of Tonga with the Hon Valasi
Luapitofanua Selesele of Samoa with the Hon Aupito William Sio of Auckland led the
campaign for Dr Piukala to secure the post. “This is a decisive victory for the Pacific Islands
and will increase meaningful participation of the Pacific Islands to the health work in the
region,” said Hon Valasi. The budgets to the WHO country offices, including that of Samoa,
have increased by 20% which will assist more health innovation and implementation of
work programmes in the Pacific Islands.
The proceedings of the 74th Session of the Regional Committee, in addition to electing the
Regional Director, discussed and approved resolutions on Communication for Health, Health Innovation, Health Workforce, Health Financing and Organisational Culture Transformation.