First Advance Visit for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 2024, 10 – 11 July 2024

The first Advance Visit by Commonwealth Member Countries for the
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in October 2024 was
conducted on 10-11 July 2024. The two Advance Visits provide an opportunity for
Member States to physically assess Samoa’s preparations and hosting obligations,
looking at the logistics arrangements, accommodation options for Heads of
Governments, as well as transport details.
The Advance Visit was preceded by a virtual Advance Visit on Monday, 8 July 2024
to enable a remote tour of the CHOGM venues for those members who cannot be
physically present. It has been customary for the host Government to schedule
advance visits at least four months prior to CHOGM to allow member countries to
send security, protocol and operational experts to the host country to receive
advance information on the planning of CHOGM.
The two-day programme commenced with a briefing for delegates by the CHOGM
2024 Organising Committee led by the Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ms. Peseta Noumea Simi. The session on CHOGM
arrangements explained in detail protocol and airport facilitation, security,
accreditation, accommodation, transportation, venues, media and
communications, health and emergency, catering as well as receptions and
Following the questions and answers sessions and a presentation by New Zealand
Immigration on Visa Arrangements were site visits to the main CHOGM meeting
venues, the home of the Heads of Government Retreat, Leaders’ and Foreign
Ministers’ hotels and other official function venues then took place.
The Advance Visit concluded on Thursday evening with bilateral meetings with
each delegation to further address any remaining questions and concerns. A total
of 41 delegates from eleven (11) Commonwealth member countries participated
including Resident Missions in Apia. The second Advance Visit is scheduled for the
end of this month.