Address by the Hon Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa at the celebration of the 160th anniversary of Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary (SMSM) in Samoa

Today, we dedicate and commemorate the 160th anniversary of the
Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary (SMSM) in Samoa. This is a
significant historical milestone of our time.
In the spirit of today’s celebration we remember the first arrival in Samoa
of the pioneers on 6 June 1864 – Sr Marie Rose and Sr Marie de la Merci
and later Sr Marie De la Misericorde and the unfolding story of the
presence and ministry that set up the Savalalo convent and school. We
further remember our many Sisters from different parts of the world who
gave their lives in the service of God and the Samoan people in the
ensuring 160 years.
This was the beginning of the presence and mission of the Missionary
Sisters of the Society of Mary (SMSM) in Samoa, American Samoa,
Tokelau and Hawaii.

We reminisce on the journey and bear witness to the legacy that continues
in the institutions and missionary services at –
1. SMSM St Mary’s College, Vaimoso
2. SMSM St Mary’s Primary, Savalalo
3. SMSM Retirement Home, Vailoa Faleata,
4. 1 SMSM volunteer work at Samoa Victim Support Group;
5. In American Samoa – 2 SMSM working in the Diocese of Pago Pago.
This is a testament of the fuller and deeper encounter of the dedication
and spirit of SMSM in education and community well-being. We
acknowledge today –


• The SMSM Sisters who worked in Samoa and are now living in their
own countries;
• The Samoan Sisters serving in other countries;
• Many lay teachers and volunteers, local and overseas, who taught at
various SMSM schools;
• SMOGA (Saint Mary’s Old Girls Association), thousands of ex-pupils
residing in many parts of the world;
• Parents, Benefactors, Friends, and loyal supporters of our missionary
• The Marist family, priests, Brothers and the Third Order of Mary.
Our profound hope is that the same spirit lived by the valiant pioneers will
be prolonged into the future, beyond these 160 years, so that the flame
lit by them, may continue to burn brightly.
With hearts full of gratitude, we celebrate the divine guidance. In looking
to the future, we trust that with God’s grace, we can persevere with
renewed commitment. Where we anticipate challenges, let faith guide the
journey ahead.
I applaud the foresight and belief to succeed and the faith that achieved
it in the midst of all animosities. Today we witness the success of the
Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary (SMSM) in Samoa. May the
legacy continue to live in the hearts and spirits of generations to come.
Soifua ma ia manuia.