American Samoa 3 rd Disaster Resilience Summit,

Samoa was represented to the American Samoa 3 rd Disaster Resilience Summit by the MNRE, Chief
Executive Officer Lealaisalanoa Frances Brown-Reupena and ACEO-DMO Fesola’i Molly Faamanatu
Nielsen. The prestigious event brought together experts, government officials and humanitarian
organisation focusing on advancing strategies for disaster preparedness, response and recovery to the
communities. The theme for this year’s summit is ‘Our Community Our Responsibility’ a theme that
resonates deeply with our Faasamoa, our way of life. “This year’s theme is a strong reminder to us of the
critical roles that we play in keeping our community safe and secure. These roles form our collective
responsibility in ensuring a transformative and resilient peoples and communities” Lealaisalanoa Frances
The summit featured a leadership session and a series of workshop, panel discussions and outreach
programs. The ministry was honored to be part of this critical dialogues and to share our insights,
experiences and disaster risk management programs to the communities. “This summit provides an
invaluable opportunity to exchange knowledge, build partnerships, and develop innovative solutions that
will enhance our ability to prepare, respond and recover from disasters and emergencies between the
two Samoas” Fesola’i Molly Nielsen. The ministry’s presence is a demonstration of cooperation and
support between the two disaster offices and governments on areas that of mutual interest and in
keeping with the spirit of our Atoa o Samoa.
The ministry utilizes the opportunity to conduct bilateral meetings with other agencies such as the
American Samoa Power Authority (ASPA) on waste management, landfill and sludge treatments. The
Environment Protection Agency (EPA) to discuss water quality and the Department of Resilience to
discuss climate change adaptation and mitigation. The Department of Biosecurity and Invasive Species
to converse on the status of the swallowtail butterfly moreover the Department of Marine and Wildlife
Resources to deliberate on forestry and marine conservation. The summit concluded with visits to the
Emergency Operation Center (EOC).
The government acknowledged the Pacific Community (SPC) for the support. Furthermore,
congratulates the Office of the Disaster Assistance and Petroleum Management (ODAPM) in American
Samoa for this year’s successful summit.