The children residents of the Campus of
Hope shelter facility for abused women
and children, are included in the Pacific
Partnership 2023 (PP23) event taking
place in Samoa this week from 13 to 18
September 2023, through a
rehabilitative activity with the USS
Jackson today.
The activity and visitation was lead by
Noriko Horiuchi, the US Charge
d’affaires herself, accompanied by the
Chaplain Richard Lander, who sat down
with the children for a rehabilitation
talk, encouraging them of the bright and
colorful chapters in their lives, that God
continues to write for them.
The rehabilitation talk and activity could not have come at a better time, as most of the younger children
and the carers at the Campus, are still recovering from the horrific noises from the weekend crash into
their safe haven.
According to a correspondence from the Office of the US Embassy, requesting an engagement with the
children at the Campus, “the USS Jackson, under the 2023 Pacific Partnership (PP23), has embarked on its
annual deployment of services, in collaboration with regional governments, humanitarian organizations,
and non-governmental organizations. This initiative, orchestrated by the United States Navy Pacific Fleet
(PACFLT), aims to promote maritime security, safety, and cooperation in our region.”
“To further enrich the programs during PP23 in Samoa, a rehabilitation encouragement talk and visit to the
Campus of Hope is to be conducted by the PP23 Chaplain Richard Lander, who is in Samoa to support the
The rehabilitation activity today has been a fruitful
engagement with the children, as it not only aligns with
the Pacific Partnership 2023’s commitment to the well-
being and rehabilitation of our community members,
but also, it has had a positive impact on the children of
The ice cream and cake served by some of the Navy
Officers themselves, was just icing on the cake for the
“Thank you so muchNoriko Horiuchi for reassuring SVSG
once again of the US Embassy’s continued support of
the support services that we offer, especially in
maintaining the security of the Campus of Hope.” Siliniu Lina Chang, SVSG President