The $200,000 allocation approved in the Legislative
Assembly’s’ Fiscal Year Budget 2020-2021 for the Human Rights Protection Party
(HRPP) has been reabsorbed back in the budget to assist the country in its collective
response to the COVID 19.
This was approved in a Cabinet directive FK (20)30 on 29 th July 2020, almost a month
ago, prior to the Samoa Observer splashing front page headlined “Ruling H.R.P.P. gets
$200,000 from Legislative Assembly” published Sunday, 30 th August 2020.
Being very mindful of government’s tireless efforts to keep Samoa COVID free, the
HRPP caucus at a meeting a week after the 2020-2021 Budget was approved,
unanimously agreed to keep the allocation in the budget to assist our national efforts to
safeguard Samoa from the virus.
“The decision to reprioritize the said allocation is a Cabinet directive and this has been
executed accordingly” confirmed by the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Prime Minister
and Cabinet and Secretary to Cabinet – Agafili Tomaimano Shem Leo.
The annual allocation is distributed to registered political parties recognized in
Parliament as required under the House Standing Orders. A Political Party is mandated
have no less than 8 members of Parliament to be recognized in the House, and to
qualify for this allocation.
This funding was introduced 30 years ago by the late Prime Minister – Hon. Tofilau Eti
Alesana. It was designed to assist political parties to perform and conduct their
prescribed duties and responsibilities in compliance with good governance principles
and to prevent any likely occurrence of malpractice.