Handover Ceremony of the The Project for Reconstruction of a Hall at Avele College under JAPAN’S GRANT ASSISTANCE FOR GRASS-ROOTS HUMAN SECURITY PROJECTS (GGP)

The Government of Japan continues to extend its development assistance to villages,
schools, hospitals, and NGOs across Samoa.
Avele College celebrated the handing-over of a new hall earlier today (19 July) held at the
school compound.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Samoa, H.E. Mr. SENTA
Keisuke represented his government at the event. The ceremony was attended by the Hon.
Acting Prime Minister, Tuala Tevaga Iosefo Ponifasio, Hon. Speaker of Parliament, Papaliʻi
Liʻo Ta’eu Masipa’u, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Culture, and
distinguished guests.
Japan’s assistance was formalized last October, with a grant amount of USD222,517
(approximately SAT612,000) provided under its Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human
Security Projects (GGP) to fund the project reconstruction of a single-storey school hall
building with a stage, kitchen and toilets.
Recognizing the importance of having a school hall, the PTA sought for Japan’s assistance
with the aim of providing a suitable and functional space for the college’s students, teachers,
staff members and the wider community.
It is anticipated that the project will empower the school with the best of resources to
achieve academic excellence and will greatly assist in accommodating the school activities.
Japan places a high priority on supporting education, believing it plays a crucial role in
developing a child’s capability and also a nation’s capacity.
Japan’s GGP was introduced in 1991 to respond directly to the basic human needs at the
grass-roots level with 226 projects successfully completed