Helping to secure Samoa’s borders through delivery of Border Fundamentals Training

Workers on the frontline of protecting Samoa’s borders have undertaken training
delivered by Australian Border Force (ABF) to strengthen Samoa’s ability to respond to evolving
challenges and protect its precious resources.
Over the last two weeks ABF officers have conducted two Border Fundamentals Training Courses in
Apia for over 50 officers representing Ministry of Customs and Revenue, Samoa Police, Prisons and
Corrections, Immigration and Biosecurity.
Ministry of Customs and Revenue CEO Fonoti Talaitupu Lia Taefu thanked the Australian Border
Force for delivering the fundamental training and appreciation was also extended to the continuous
assistance for the Ministry from the Government of Australia.
“This workshop will provide further border security awareness to all our officers who are the first
and last line of defence at Samoa’s border”.
This is the first time the course has been held in Samoa. The course provides Pacific regional
partners with core practical skills that are fundamental to border protection practices.
The training has been tailored to Samoa, covering critical border security skills in the maritime and
aviation sectors to ensure stability and security at Samoa’s international border.
Australia High Commissioner H.E. Will Robinson said Australia and Samoa were partners in keeping
the Pacific safe.
“We face evolving security challenges together – illicit drugs, organised crime and more – these are
regional challenges and we must find new solutions together.
“This Border Fundamentals Workshop is one way we are helping Samoa and other states across the
Pacific maintain and build border security.”