The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) conducted an ‘ava ceremony on Friday
morning to welcome the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Afioga Hon. Laaulialemalietoa
Leuatea Polataivao Fosi and the Associate Minister, Afioga Vaele Paia’aua Sekuini Iona at the
TATTE Convention Center, Sogi.
Susuga Roseti Imo of the EFKS commenced the official proceedings with a prayer service to
give praise and thanksgiving to our God Almighty and to bless the Ministry’s plans and
projects for the coming years.
In the Hon. Minister’s keynote address, Hon Laaulialemalietoa Leuatea Polataivao Fosi
emphasized the importance of our calling as public servants to develop the agriculture and
fisheries sector. The Hon. Minister acknowledged with thanks the good work that was done by
the former Minister and Associate Minister during their time. The Hon. Minister reiterated the
significance of the agriculture and fisheries sector as the backbone of Samoa’s economy, and
the importance of working together as a “family” in order for the Ministry to promote the
development of the sector for the benefit of Samoa. Hon Laaulialemaliletoa concluded his
keynote address by wishing the best of success to the MAF family in serving the people of