This press release is made in response to the Samoa Observer Article titled “A.G. orders fine
backdown” by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i published in its edition of 4 March 2021.
This Press Release contains erroneous facts which I will address below.
It is clear that the article refers to a confidential legal advice I had provided to one of the clients
of the Office of the Attorney General (namely the Disaster Advisory Committee). The article in the
title and in its content whilst referring to the Attorney General states, “She also ordered to reduce
the penalty.” This line of writing appears to be exaggerating the role of the legal adviser to
Government. The Attorney does not “order” but advises” the Government on legal issues to be
complied with.
The legal advice was intended for the Disaster Advisory Committee and is not public information.
It is information used to guide the work of DAC and NEOC to ensure the rule of law is upheld
during this time while the Government continues to work towards ensuring Samoa is protected
from the Covid-19 pandemic.
I also note that the author of the article has chosen to report the legal advice in bits and pieces,
by merging different paragraphs of my advice into one single quote which results in the
conveyance and publication of incomplete information. Due to our duty to maintain confidentiality
of legal advice issued to our clients we choose not to discuss our advice.