S.A.A. Rescue and Fire Services suits up for CHOGM 2024

In preparations to hosting the Commonwealth Heads of
Government Meeting in October, the Samoa Airport Authority is investing in up skilling her
Rescue and Fire Services recruiting specialists from New Zealand to provide a weeklong
HAZMAT Awareness Course
Rolled out for 8 days by Ross T Riddell and Associates for the 34 SAA rescue and fire officers,
the training was designed to give all operational staff a basic awareness of the classes and risks
associated with hazardous materials and simple straightforward procedures for dealing with such
incidents at an introductory level.
Skills and procedures were based on a combination of theoretical information and a series of
mock incidents to test the participants’ execution of command and control and application of
their knowledge of the Emergency Response Guide Book and the procedures designated in the
book pertaining to a range of hazardous materials.
The following skills were practiced:
 Identification of Hazardous Substance Classes and Placards
 Recognition and use of the National Fire Protection Association Hazard system
 Use of the HAZCHEM system
 Familiarization and use of the Emergency Response Guidebook including UN number
and Chemical substance recognition ,dealing with fires and spillages of different
magnitudes and requirements for evacuation ,including distances.
 Population of the Hazardous Materials Information Board and the HAZMAT Action
 The crews were also taught the acronym R.I.C.I.M. for dealing with any hazardous
materials incident. RICIM gives the first responders an immediate level of priority of
actions in order to deal with the incident.
As part of the training the consultants also donated SAA with six chemical splash suits complete
with rubber gloves to be used in conjunction with their rubber fire boots and Self Contained
Breathing Apparatus.
A Hazardous Information Board and a template for Hazardous Assessment Guide Check sheets.
Three rolls of caution tape for cordoning of hazard areas in case of an incident ,heavy duty
brushes and pans for dry decontamination purposes and three Australia / New Zealand relevant,
large copy Emergency Response Guide Books.
The equipment now gives SAA the opportunity to carry out an elementary response to a
HAZMAT incident.
“As always it was our pleasure to work with the team, their willingness and their polite manner is
something that is a joy,” complimented Ross

“The response to the training was excellent and the crews made a concerted effort to apply
themselves to the tasks that were set for them,” he continued.
“The level of training undertaken is designed to make the participants aware of the danger of
hazardous substances, how to deal with them simply and effectively by adopting the acronym
R.I.C.I.M (Risk to Life. Isolate. Contain. Identify. Make Safe).”
Most pivotal, reiterated Riddell was focused on inculcating to the officers the uncompromising
mission for making the people safe as the primary function and to ensure that the threatening
substance is isolated as far possible from people and the environment until it can be disposed of

(EDITORS NOTE- Ross Riddell and Associates also acknowledges the assistance provided SAA
Principal Rescue and Fire Officer Sola Malele Jr in both creating scenarios with them and as the
translator. “To say it was invaluable to us getting the information across to the team is an
understatement,” reiterated Riddell.