Samoa remains steadfast in pursuit of sustainable development.

– Samoa recently held successful national validation workshops
on June 5th and 7th, 2024, as part of its preparations for the third Voluntary National Review
(VNR) process.
Supported by the United Nations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Samoa’s SDG
Taskforce, the workshops brought together over a hundred representatives from government
ministries, the private sector, and civil society organizations.
At the opening formalities of the workshops, the UN Resident Coordinator Themba Kalua
emphasized the voluntary nature of the VNR mechanism and praised Samoa for its proactive
participation. He added that this nationally led initiative underscores Samoa’s determination to
track and report its progress in sustainable development.
Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Peseta Noumea Simi,
addressed the participants, emphasizing that despite the unique challenges that had affected
Samoa’s commitment towards the Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals,
there has been remarkable progress due to the collective commitment of various sectors.
She also reaffirmed Samoa’s dedication to strengthening its SDG efforts through cultural
foundations and transformative reforms.
Samoa first engaged with the VNR process in 2016, demonstrating its early dedication to the
global agenda. The country’s second VNR in 2020 built on this initial progress, adapting the
SDG to Samoa’s national context with a collective human rights approach and contributions
from government ministries, the private sector, and civil society organizations.
Since the second VNR, Samoa has made significant strides, achieving near-universal access to
basic services like clean water, sanitation, electricity, and healthcare.
However, challenges such as limited social protection systems, high unemployment rates, and
significant poverty levels persist. Inconsistencies in data sets and limited capacity to measure
complex indicators further complicate progress, while Samoa’s vulnerability to external shocks,
such as disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic, remains a critical concern.
Samoa’s third VNR approach underscores the importance of community-led sustainable
development. The country’s development strategy, the Pathway for the Development of Samoa
(PSD), aligns with SDG implementation, emphasizing the strengths of Samoan traditions and
customs as vital safety nets.
A significant aspect of Samoa’s 3rd VNR is the integration of storytelling to supplement
quantitative data. This approach moves beyond mere numbers, highlighting qualitative case
studies and community-led initiatives, especially in areas where data is scarce.

During the workshops, participants were divided into clusters focusing on People, Planet,
Prosperity, and Peace, validating data to affirm indicator achievements. They shared insights on
ongoing initiatives and are committed to providing case studies relevant to the implementation
of the SDG where there is a lack of data.
Samoa’s 3

rd VNR Report to be presented at the High Level Political Forum in July 2024, builds
on the progress since the last two reports with an in-depth focus on Goals 1, 2, 13, 16 and 17.