The Ministry of Customs and Revenue Officiates its first Container X-ray Scanner & Container Examination Facility for Customs

The Ministry of Customs and Revenue officially inaugurated its Customs Container X-
Ray Scanner and Container Examination Facility (CEF) at its Office at Matautu- tai, on
the evening of Thursday, 25th of July 2024. A pivotal moment for the Ministry as it
marks a significant milestone in enhancing our national border security and trade
facilitation capabilities.

This project is one of the key components of the Enhancing Safety, Security and
Sustainability of the Apia Ports Project (ESSSAP) funded by the Asian Development
Bank. The container x-ray scanner represents modern infrastructure upgrade that
will greatly assist the Ministry in enhancing detection and interception of illicit goods
and contraband, but also facilitate more efficient trade processes, that will in turn
increase revenue collection. Situated at the Ministry of Customs and Revenue Office
at Matautu, is the Container Examination Facility (CEF) intended to accommodate the
X-ray scanner and ensure optimal functionality and accessibility for the Ministry and
its standard operating procedures.

The official launch was attended by Cabinet and Members of the Legislative Assembly,
the Diplomatic Corp, CEO’s and government officials as well as our partners and
stakeholders. The Acting and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Customs and
Revenue, the Honourable Tuala Tevaga Iosefo Ponifasio in his keynote address
highlighted the importance of this Customs component of the Apia Ports Project in
alignment with the government’s vision of ‘Fostering Social Harmony, Safety and
Freedom for All’. He reminded the Ministry of Customs and Revenue staff who will be
utilizing these two vital facilities, of the Samoan adage, “ E le o le tino o le fale e taua,
ae o le anofale”. This emphasises that the value of the facilities lies not in their

physical structure but rather in the people who will use them and how effectively
these facilities will be employed to serve a greater purpose.

Afioga Tuala Maria Melei Tagiilima, Head of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Apia
Office, congratulated the Ministry on this project, highlighting its significance and
contribution to enabling effective border management. As a key element of the
ESSSAP project, this achievement marks a substantial step towards improving the
efficiency and environmental sustainability of the Apia Seaport. She also
acknowledged the ongoing support from the Government of Samoa, the Ministry of
Customs and Revenue; and other development partners which has been instrumental
to the project’s success.

The event also featured a demonstration of the x-ray scanner’s capabilities and a tour
of the facilities, providing an insight into how these modernized advancements will
contribute to more secure and efficient customs operations. We recognize the
importance of addressing any concerns about radiation exposure from the container
x-ray scanner. To ensure public and stakeholder confidence, the ADB under ESSSAP
has engaged radiation specialist, Mr. Matthew Paris to conduct a series of training
workshops for our staff on the safe use and management of x-ray operations.
According to Mr. Paris, “The radiation is not emitted when the scanner is off. All
personnel outside the CEF are safely protected by its very thick walls. Customs staff
operate the scanner from its specially shielded cabins that provide protection from
radiation”. We are committed to maintaining the highest safety standards to
effectively manage and control radiation exposure, ensuring the well-being of our
staff, stakeholders and the public.

The successful launch and implementation of this project are testaments to our
commitment to achieving our vision of ‘Working together for a Secure and
Prosperous Samoa through Effective Trade and Border Management.