Vaccination Sites for Upolu

As Samoa is continuing with the national lockdown (Alert Level 3), the general public is advised that
Samoa’s Ministry of Health will conduct a COVID-19 drive-through and walk in vaccination on
Thursday, 31 st March 2022. This will include vaccinations for booster shoots of 18 years and above
(minimum of 3 months since completing the last two doses of COVID-19 primary series vaccination), the
Pfizer vaccination for children of 12 to 17 years old and the Pediatric Pfizer vaccination for children
of 5 to 11 years old.

There will be 12 designated sites for the campaign to carry out are as follows:
Drive Though / Walk-in Sites
1) EPI blue building of the MOH opposite Seb and Rene Store at Motootua
2) Heal Centre Matagialalua
3) WHO-Credentialing Building opposite NKF Building – Motootua

Vaccination Sites – Upolu Districts
4) Lufilufi Hospital
5) Lalomanu Hospital
6) Poutasi Hospital
7) Sa’anapu Hospital
8) Leulumoega Hospital

General roll out (Districts Primary schools)
9) Luatuanuu Primary
10) Laulii Primary
11) Letogo Primary
12) Fagalii Primary

On vaccination day, the public is respectfully advised to comply with the preventions put in place by the
Ministry of Health. These include the following;
 Wearing masks is mandatory (adults and children)
 Must bring your vaccination card
 Ensure that you or your child has had breakfast and is well hydrated.
 Provide a copy of birth certificate or passport to confirm your vaccination records
 Wear loose clothing for easy access to the upper arm
 You or your child will need to wait for 15-20 minutes at the vaccination site after being vaccinated.