Buy UTOS Units from NZ and Australia using UTOS mobile App and Vodafone Samoa M-Tala platform.

UTOS Unitholders residing in New Zealand and Australia can now top up their Unit Trust of
Samoa accounts through the UTOS Mobile App and Vodafone Samoa’s M-Tala partnership with
KlickEx. This great initiative was announced on the 1st of November and was built for a more
convenient and a faster means to transfer funds to benefit all UTOS unitholders. This was made
possible with the continuous partnership between UTOS and Vodafone Samoa.
The launching of the M-Tala overseas service is a big step towards making it easier for our
overseas unitholders to buy UTOS units using the M-Tala/KlickEx online service. This is the
second phase of this project and we launched the first phase in 2019 giving our Local UTOS
unitholders the option to buy UTOS units through Vodafone Samoa’s M-Tala. Therefore making
it a perfect time to sign up for a UTOS account and a Vodafone Samoa M-Tala account to start
buying UTOS Units whether you are a Samoa or overseas unitholder.
M-Tala registration is absolutely free with 3 easy steps to follow:
1. Visit any of Vodafone Samoa’s retail outlets or use the Vodafone Samoa’s online form on: with a valid photo ID.
2. Receive the SMS notification with your M-Tala 4 digit default code
3. Activate your M-Tala account using the 4 digit default code and personalizing the pin
Once registered for Vodafone Samoa’s M-Tala, you will need to dial *175# to access the M-Tala
menu to purchase units for UTOS and follow through with benefits available to them.
However, for the NZ and Australian markets, you don’t need to have a Vodafone mobile
number or register with M-Tala to use the service. We have made things easier and convenient
as the technology is for all unitholders despite different telephone operators you just need to

have internet access to use it- this is a social objective targeted by UTOS is having this service
available to All unitholders.
Hence, to register from NZ and Australia, first of all, you need to register with UTOS online
services by completing the form of the online services from our website and secondly, you have to sign up with KlickEx which provides an easy to use online portal,
compatible to online banking, low fees, great exchange rates and connects directly to our UTOS
M-Tala wallet.
We have factored Security as an integral part of our design and have closely worked with our
overseas Cyber Security partners UpGuard and ZEST IT in making sure the recommended
security standards adhere at all times during each part of the digital process. The online
payment platform is fast, safe, and secure for unitholders to use.
For more information please contact us on phone number 26949 or 29916, or Email us at or visit our website at, and Facebook (Unit Trust of Samoa).